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Andrew Rawson

Director of Action on Access

Andrew Rawson is Director of Action on Access Information Hub and Email Briefing Services. Since 1919, this has been a national highly valued, well-used subscriber service, essential for those wanting to stay current with the latest widening participation and access initiatives, news, events, vacancies, resources, information and networking. The service uses an electronic platform which has reached over 1,500 managers. Andrew uses his considerable national expertise, organisational experience and networks of contacts for the Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE) and to drive action on access forward. He has a longstanding commitment to and experience in access, widening participation and student success with all age groups. He has a background in the national careers service and in further education in leading student services and adult guidance services and networks. This experience underpins his work to widen and deepen access and participation in education and training, particularly higher education in its diverse forms. He has been a member of the FACE executive group since 2013 and has acted as treasurer since 2018.

Andrew Rawson's contributions