Andrea English, Dr
Senior Lecturer at University of Edinburgh
Dr Andrea English is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Philosophy of Education at the University of Edinburgh. For more than two decades, her research has developed the ideas of ‘uncertainty’ and ‘productive struggle’ in transformative learning. Her scholarly work is concerned particularly with how these concepts are relevant to building equitable, democratic classrooms today. She leads international, interdisciplinary research projects in STEM education that aim to advance our understanding of how teaching practices can best support all learners to engage with uncertainty and struggle. One of her current collaborations involves using AI as a tool for helping teachers support student learning processes in HE STEM education (AI and Education, 2022). Her monograph, Discontinuity in Learning: Dewey, Herbart and Education as Transformation (Cambridge UP, 2013), broke new ground on previously overlooked connections across philosophical traditions. More recent work includes a chapter on ‘Dewey, Existential Uncertainty, and Non-Affirmative Democratic Education’ for an international volume on Non-Affirmative Education and Bildung (Springer, 2023) and a co-authored study on ‘Pedagogical Listening’ during mathematical discussions (Teachers and Teaching, 2023). She is editor of The History of Western Philosophy of Education, Volume 4: The Modern Era (Bloomsbury's Major Reference Works, 2021) and co-editor of John Dewey’s Democracy and Education: A Centennial Handbook (with Leonard Waks, Cambridge UP, 2017), as well as Decolonizing the Curriculum: Philosophical Perspectives (with Ruth Heilbronn, Journal of Philosophy of Education, in press). She is Executive Board member and Teacher Education Coordinator of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Editor of IMPACT for the Journal of Philosophy of Education, and Associate Editor of Dewey Studies. She is incoming President of the John Dewey Society.