BERA Opportunity
Sexualities Convenor 2023-2026

The Sexualities & Gender SIG provides a forum to critically engage with how gender and sexuality research matters in the inter-disciplinary field of education and how this research can inform policy, practice and pedagogy. The SIG also aims to support the diversity and quality of gender and sexuality education research and contribute to innovations in theoretical, methodological and public engagement.
The SIG is recruiting a new Convenor
SIG Convenors are volunteers whose main role is to co-ordinate, oversee and develop the mission and activities of each particular SIG. The SIG is there to represent the views of their members, not of individual convenors.
SIG Convenors should expect to work within all the guidelines and advice provided by the BERA Office. These are in place to ensure good practice and that all legal, financial and insurance matters are taken care of and that any risks to individuals or organisations are minimised. In particular with regard to planning events, activities or any expenditure, SIGs should all follow BERA’s appropriate guidelines and procedures.
By agreeing to assume a position of SIG convenor, individuals are committing to fulfilling the responsibilities and obligations that go with that role. SIG Convenors are expected to exercise their own judgment to meet the requirements listed in BERA guidance and to seek further advice from the BERA Office if in any doubt on any of these matters. If any procedures are not followed then BERA reserves the right to take whatever action may be necessary to protect BERA’s legal, financial and reputational position.
The annual responsibilities for SIG Convenors can be found in this document.
If you would like to be considered (below are the details of the role, remits and appointment of a convenor):
Key aspects of the Convenors’ role include:
- Preparing text for a regular (ideally once per term) newsletter to SIG members.
- Hosting at least one annual SIG forum meeting for all members (organised via the BERA office)
- Encouraging submissions of individual papers and symposia for BERA conference.
- Reviewing abstracts or acting as a third reviewer.
- Grouping together abstracts for the conference.
- Succession planning.
Other responsibilities detailed in the handbook are:
- SIG events
- SIG Forum Meetings
- BERA Conference
- Communications
- Social media
- Financial and administrative support
- Annual Review and oversight
- Networking and opportunities
If multiple expressions of interest are received an election may be run.
The deadline to apply is the 30/07/2023
Please click above to apply.
As part of our wider commitment to greater equality and diversity at all levels of the organisation, we continue to seek increased representation from members with a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background. In acknowledging the structural inequalities and unjust power imbalances that affect our members, we wish to be proactive in addressing this within our own structures.