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Research Assistant – Conference Programme

We are currently seeking a Research Assistant to complete a small project on behalf of BERA’s Conference & Events Committee.

Each year the BERA Annual Conference receives 700+ abstracts for their conference. This creates a fantastic opportunity for our researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to share, establish and make new links with colleagues. As the programme can be so vast, there may be missed opportunities or concurrent underlying themes that we could promote further or provide funding opportunities. The Committees and Networks already analyse the programme within the separate themes, however a full programme overview is required.

Therefore, we are looking for a consultant early career researcher or equivalent to conduct research and analysis. The role would involve going through all the accepted abstracts for the BERA Annual Conference 2022. We would then anticipate a full report covering the following aspects:

  • BERA programme analysis
  • Potential international links
  • Emerging trends
  • Topical sessions
  • Policy influential sessions
  • Themes
  • Gaps
  • Other(s)

We anticipate this would take around 3 days and compensate you £200 per day for this work. The work can be completed entirely remotely. An introductory meeting will be scheduled with the Events Manager to discuss the easier way to access the abstract information.

The task would need to be completed by the 22 August 2022.

To apply, please email your CV alongside a short statement (c.500 words) outlining your suitability for the role and any relevant experience to  Deadline to apply is the 27 April 2022.