European Educational Research Journal Open Call for papers
The EU’s Four Freedoms: moving people, capital, goods and services across the field of European education
The European market and the Union are based on, and shaped by, the Four Freedoms. These are the free movement of goods, workers, services and capital, each of which is necessary to create a common economic entity, and sustain a common purpose. Variations exist in the relation of individual countries or services to these common goals, and protectionist policies are still in place.
How do the four freedoms unfold in the field of education? This is the subject of the new Call for Papers in the EERJ. Are there educational goods which have crossed borders and established their presence in new countries? Which kind of educational goods – texts, software, tests? Has capital moved into educational operations across borders by founding or buying companies which are profit seeking in education? Are they creating private educational institutions or taking over privatized organizations and employing educational actors?
For more information, please see the attached flyer.