One day conference to discuss research evidence regarding consultants and consultancy in education
3rd July 2014, Manchester Conference Centre
There is no fee for the day, the conference is being supported through a British Academy project funding.
Conference participants will be welcomed by Professor David Hall, Head of The Manchester Institute of Education, and the day will be opened by Professor Ann Lieberman from Stanford University who is Simon Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester for 2014.
This will be followed by two talks by Professor Helen Gunter and Colin Mills, and we will wish to listen to the contributions of conference participants through discussions. The talks will focus on work on consultants and consultancy in education, and the issues this is generating.
The day will be closed by Professor Michael Apple from Wisconsin Madison University, and the University of Manchester.
Place will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. So if you wish to reserve a place would you please contact Shelley.darlington@manchester.ac.uk
If you wish to pass this invitation onto a colleague or PGR student who you think would benefit from this research please do so, but when they write to Shelley would you please ask them to say who they receive the invite from so that we can keep track of the invitations.