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BERA President 2024-2026

We are pleased to invite applications to stand for the next BERA President. 

We are seeking applications for the next BERA President between 2024-2026, succeeding Vivienne Baumfield. They will serve as Vice-President from September 2023 and therefore be elected in the next round of elections.

This post is elected for a period of up to 4 years, (September 2023- September 2024 as President-Elect, September 2024 – September 2026 as President, September 2026- September 2027 as Vice-President).

The President acts as the Chair of Trustees for BERA. They will hold BERA Council to account for BERA’s mission and vision, delivering on our strategic plan and providing inclusive and wide-ranging leadership to Council, and ensuring that each trustee fulfils their duties and responsibilities for the effective governance of the charity. They will act as an ambassador and the public face of BERA. 

This is a significant leadership role and we are keen to hear from those who may be interested in standing. Ideally you should have current or recent experience of BERA Council and its work as well as strong experience of leadership.

We are seeking applications by Wednesday 18th January 2023 at 3pm.   

There is some flexibility over final submission provided that candidates have identified themselves before the deadline. If you would like any further information, or have any queries, please contact

Information on the person specification can be found here. To be eligible to stand, candidates must be must be fully paid up members of BERA at the time of the nomination process opening and closing. No extensions are granted. Candidates must not be ineligible to stand according to the rules set out by the Charity Commission or Companies House.

As part of our wider commitment to greater equality and diversity at all levels of the organisation, we have made significant progress in increasing representation from members with a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background in recent years. However, we wish to sustain this and BERA Council always benefits from the advantages that diversity brings, including different skills, life experiences and backgrounds, bringing a fresh perspective to the board, particularly in leadership positions.

Role and Duties

This role includes:

Helping set the strategic direction of BERA through the leadership of Council;

  • Ensuring this strategic direction is consistent across the main governance institutions of the association, including the implementation and development of the Strategic Plan;
  • Being the primary external voice and representative for BERA, both nationally and internationally;
  • Chairing BERA Council and Leadership Committee meetings;
  • Leading and providing oversight to major BERA projects where required;
  • Overseeing the BERA Office through the BERA Chief Executive;

As President, you are expected to attend all Council, Leadership Committee, and other meetings where required. You will also need to have regular meetings with the BERA Chief Executive. You will need to represent BERA externally – this includes having a prominent role at our Annual Conference, including undertaking the Presidential Address, and also representing us at other conferences and events in the UK and internationally.

This is a significant commitment and involves also being the Chair of Trustees. The time commitment during the period of the Presidency is about 1 day per week averaged across the academic year. This is reduced during the Vice-Presidential years and will normally be at around 12-15 days per year.


18th January 2023

President Applications Close

19th – 31st January 2023

Interviews and shortlisting (if required)

1st February 2023

Elections Open for voting

15th March 2023

Election Period Closes

w/c 20th March 2023

Results Announced