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BERA Opportunity

BERA Early Career Researcher Network: Call for Convenor

We are recruiting a convenor to help co-ordinate, oversee and develop the mission and activities of the BERA Early Career Researcher Network

The BERA Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network aims to offer support to those who are in the process of completing their masters or doctorate in education, as well as those who have completed their studies within the past 5 years, or longer if including a career break.  It seeks to meet the needs of not only those who are pursuing studies and/or careers as researchers within Higher Education, but also those who are practitioners seeking to undertake research to support their development.

ECR Convenors are volunteers whose main role is to co-ordinate, oversee and develop the mission and activities of The ECR network. 

Convenor Key Responsibilities 


Research Intelligence 

ECR Network Convenors are responsible for creating the routine ECR network feature in Research Intelligence magazine. This feature occurs once an issue (4 issues per year) and focuses on a timely topic pertaining to ECRs as well as news from the network. This will normally cover a 2-page spread (1000 words). The BERA Publications Manager will work closely with the convenors on commissioning, writing and editing this feature. 


The ECR Newsletter goes out once a term to all ECRs in BERA’s network. The newsletter is compiled by the office and will feature all relevant news, events and awards of interest. However, active contribution by convenors is encouraged. 


The BERA ECR network twitter handle should be managed by the convenor team and frequently should post and retweet items of interest in line with BERA’s social media guidelines. 


The ECR Network runs several annual events, of which responsibility is shared between the convenors and regional rep team. 

ECR Coffee Hour 

Convenors are expected to attend a virtual coffee hour held twice a year. The convenor team shares responsibility for chairing this meeting. 

Annual Symposia Series 

Every year the ECR Network runs an annual symposia series focusing on a theme.   

At a meeting of convenors, The Annual Symposia series theme will be picked. Then, duties will be divided up with convenors expected to run or jointly run a symposium in that year. 

Convenors are asked to find a chair and discussants 

The BERA events team will assist all event organization, marketing and registration 

Writing Workshop 

A yearly writing workshop provides a supportive environment for ECRs to develop their writing skills.  

At a convenor/rep meeting volunteers will be recruited to host this workshop and to find speakers/facilitators. 

ECR Conference 

The new annual ECR conference theme is decided by the reps and convenors. Convenors and reps are expected to attend the conference and promote it within their networks. 

BERA Annual Conference 

The ECR network will have a presence at the BERA Conference.  Normally this may involve a ECR social event, as well as a lunchtime networking session or lecture. Regional reps and convenors attendance will be complimentary, however, duties must be carried out to receive this concession. 


The ECR Network hosts several awards, for which the network convenors and reps act as judges 

Undergraduate Award 

This award is for recent graduates who have completed their undergraduate degree in a field related to educational research. 

Convenors are responsible for reviewing applications and judging this award  

ECR Career Development Fellowship 

The Fellowship is a flexible package of benefits intended to support ECRs in the first three years following completion of their doctorate, focusing in particular on those who are insecurely and precariously employed. 

Convenors are responsible for reviewing applications and judging this award 

More awards may come up through the year. 

Convenor meetings

Convenors are invited to attend meetings twice per year with BERA Office staff and through these help to shape the strategic priorities of the ECR Network moving forwards.  

Additional ways to get involved

One convenor will sit on BERA Council as the ECR Rep on Council. They will be a full member of Council and serve a four-year term.  This post will be open to all existing Convenors to apply and subject to election if there is more than one candidate. 

One convenor will represent BERA in WERA’s Doctoral and Early Career Network (DEC 

The Regional Rep for Scotland will be asked to attend SERA conference on behalf of the association 

The Regional Rep for Wales may be asked to attend relevant conferences in Wales on behalf of the association 


Convenors serve 3 year terms that may be renewed.

We are currently recruiting for a convenor with a goal to fill the following vacancies:

A researcher working or living in Wales.

We would expect the candidate to have an appreciation and knowledge of the Welsh language and its importance in Welsh education. Proficient Welsh speaking would be an asset.

As part of our wider commitment to greater equality and diversity at all levels of the organisation, we continue to seek increased representation from members with a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background.