Abstract Submission Open for BELMAS 2017

Abstract submission is now open for the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society’s (BELMAS) Annual Conference in 2017. The conference brings together research academics and school and college practitioners to discuss educational cultures and philosophies from a global perspective. It will take place on 7th – 9th July 2017 at Ettington Chase in Stratford-on-Avon, UK. For information on location and venue, please click here.
Contributions are invited on the conference theme: “Educational leadership for a global society: challenges, dilemmas and ways forward.”
All abstracts are subjected to anonymous peer review and are selected solely on quality. Submissions must be made online using the BELMAS abstract submission system by 2nd December 2016. Abstracts received after this deadline will not be included in the programme. For more information on submission criteria and session formats, please visit the BELMAS conference website.