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Awards and Funding

Every year BERA recognises excellence by awarding our annual fellowships and awards to BERA members who exemplify the very best in educational research.  In addition we offer bursaries and grants through a number of schemes to enable BERA members to undertake valuable work in the field.

Current Awards


Showing results 1–29 of 29

2025/2026 BERA Small Grants Fund

Closes 14 May 2025

Researching Additional Support Needs (ASN)/Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) £5000 per project available


Annual Conference Bursaries

We offer various bursaries to attend the conference.  Please visit the official bursary page for more information on current bursaries open. More information and apply


BERA Doctoral Thesis Award

Every year BERA recognises academic excellence and rigour in research by a Doctoral student. This underscores BERA’s commitment to championing educational research, and celebrating and recognise...



BERA Masters Dissertation Award

Every year BERA recognises academic excellence and rigour in research by a Master of Education student. This underscores BERA’s commitment to championing educational research, and celebrating...



BERA Public Engagement and Impact Award

The BERA Public Engagement and Impact Award recognises and celebrates the impact of research and practice in the education community and how both have demonstrably engaged the public.



2025 BJET Fellowship

The BJET Fellowship is awarded biennially to an individual with the most compelling proposal for a piece of research in the field of educational technology. The Fellowship lasts for one year and...


BERA Academic Citizen of the Year

The BERA Academic Citizen of the Year is an award intended to recognise a colleague working in educational research who has made a significant contribution to the discipline as a whole and the...


BCF Curriculum Investigation Grant

The BCF Curriculum Investigation Grant is intended to support research led by schools and colleges with a focus on curriculum inquiry and investigation. The theme for the 2024-2025 grant is...



BERA Equality in Education Award 

The BERA Equality in Education Award recognizes an individual whose work has sought to address wider issues of inequality and discrimination in education.  The nominee’s work will not only...

colour explosion


BERA Undergraduate Award

This award is for recent graduates who have completed their undergraduate degree in a field related to educational research.


2023 BERA School Research Award

BERA is pleased to announce our new award aimed at encouraging the development of research skills in the curriculum of secondary schools.  The BERA School Research Award aims to promote the value...

coffee and computer


BERA John Nisbet Fellowship

Since 2014 BERA has awarded the John Nisbet Fellowship to one or more people who are deemed to have made an outstanding contribution to educational research over their career. Named in honour of...


BERA Brian Simon Fund

BERA issued a call for applications for a new grants scheme supported by use of the Brian Simon fellowship fund. These grants are made possible due to a gift from the family of Brian Simon, a...

abstract geometric


Event bursaries 2023

The BERA Early Career Researcher Network offers a limited amount of bursaries to the value of £100 towards travel for BERA Student Members only to most of in person events (excluding the annual...


BERA Research Commissions

Introduction Since 2015, BERA has awarded funding for a variety of Research Commissions.  The aim of BERA Research Commissions is to identify and address issues of current importance to the...

BERA Research commisions Train picture


BERA Annual Conference – ECR Presentation Award

BERA aims to celebrate and promote the work of our Early Career Researcher Network. We are presenting a prize to the best Early Career researcher presentation at this year’s conference. The top...

Conference 2023 best paper award


BERA Doctoral Fellowship

In 2023 BERA invites applications for one doctoral fellowship for a student commencing their studies at a UK institution within the 2024/2025 academic year.  The Fellowship will be for up to 3...


BJET Early Career International Fellowship 2021

Applications are invited for the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) Early Career International Fellowship. This one-year fellowship, which includes funding of up to £5,000, will be...

BJET front cover


BERA International Representation Funding Scheme

One of the most important drivers of BERA’s international strategy is to facilitate exchanges of ideas and understandings between colleagues in different regions. This strategy acknowledges the...


BERJ Editors’ Choice Award

2019 BERJ Editor’s Choice Award Joint winners:  Neil Harrison & Richard Waller, for ‘Challenging discourses of aspiration: The role of expectations and attainment in access to higher...
