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News from the British Educational Research Association

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A snapshot of 2021

Thank you to all our members, volunteers, partners and friends for supporting our work during the past year. Please find an overview of just some of our achievements.

News17 Dec 2021

BERA Conference 2021 – Keynotes now Available

For our first venture into a fully online annual conference, we were delighted to have secured four outstanding keynote speakers to present alongside the full range of symposia, workshops and...

BERA in the news10 Dec 2021

BERA publishes its strategic plan for 2021-2026

In an illustrated report, BERA has set out its strategic plan which will inform every facet and activity of the organisation  over the coming years. It clarifies our vision, mission, values and...

News8 Dec 2021

BERA statement on the UCU industrial action

BERA acknowledges that many of our members are currently engaging in further industrial action organised by the University and College Union (UCU). We express solidarity with those taking part in...

News1 Dec 2021

BERA Council – Elections 2022

Could you be part of guiding BERA's academic leadership? We are pleased to invite interested members to stand as candidates in the 2022 BERA Council Elections.  We have up to two vacancies to...

News26 Nov 2021

BERA AGM Papers Published

Ahead of the BERA AGM to be held on 9th December 2021, the papers and agenda have been published. The papers include the launch of the revised BERA Strategic Plan 2021-2026 and a progress update...

BERA in the news25 Nov 2021

New series of the BERA podcast

This autumn we have launched a new series of the BERA podcast. Over the next few weeks we will continue to feature emerging research which connects to policy and practice.  Already we have...

News10 Nov 2021

BERA Announces New College of Reviewers

After an open call earlier in the Summer, to which we received a high number of applications, we have now appointed new members to the BERA College of Reviewers. The applicants were shortlisted...

News29 Oct 2021

BERA Announces New Committee Members

After an open call earlier in the Summer, to which we received a high number of applications, we have now appointed new members to various standing committees. The applicants were shortlisted and...

News12 Oct 2021