Respecting Children and Young People – blog launched

This week marks the launch of our blog for the Respecting Children and Young People project. You can read more about the project here and here. Please engage with this project – we need your help.
Visit our blog:
We are posting think pieces from members of the Social Justice and other participating SIGs between now and September. The first two posts come from Geoff Whitty and Diane Reay who have provided overview statements to get our discussion started. Geoff’s post reminds us that schools can’t compensate for society, and Diane calls for a comprehensive schooling system, so I’m anticipating that these two ideas will help frame our work – attending to the conditions and experiences of children and young people outside of schooling, and looking for more equality within schooling. Read the posts, comment and discuss on the blog. We are particularly looking for your thoughts on the following:
* additional research that might support the position put forward in blog posts;
* highlighting any contradictions between the post and your sector or situation;
* ideas for policy recommendations that arise from the posts.
If you have ideas about how else you might engage with this agenda please contact SIG convenors Ruth Boyask ( or Katy Vigurs