Record-breaking new impact factors for BERJ and BJET

In the latest Journal Citation Reports for 2019, released this week by Clarivate, the two BERA journals listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index both received their best ever impact factors (IF).
The British Journal for Educational Technology’s IF is now 2.951 – a 14 per cent increase on the previous year, which means it is now 31 of 263 in Clarivate’s ‘education and educational research’ category.
The British Educational Research Journal‘s IF increased by an even more impressive 28 per cent to 1.752, which means it now ranks at 114 among those 263 education and edcuational research journals.
BERA would like to congratulate and thank the editorial teams of both journals for their quantatively and qualitatively excellent stewardship, and our publisher Wiley for their excellent and tireless work in support of all four of our journals. We are confident of further great results for our journals in future.