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Member Fee Structure 2025

For 2025, there will be some important changes to our membership fee structure at BERA. These adjustments are aimed at ensuring greater equity and accessibility for all our members.

What’s Changing?

Expansion of Student Rate Eligibility:

We are pleased to announce that part-time students, including those who are concurrently teaching in schools or colleges, will now be eligible for the student rate. This change acknowledges the dual commitments of our members who balance both teaching and furthering their education and marks a significant expansion of eligibility for the reduced rate.

Removal of Teacher and Retired Member Rates:

We will no longer offer separate rates for teacher members and retired members. Instead, all members who do not qualify for the student rate will fall under the full member category. We expect most of our current teacher members are also undertaking part-time study so will be eligible for the new expanded student rate. Current retired members will be rolled over on the category, but we will not be taking any further ‘retired’ members.

Full Member Rate Adjustment:

The full member rate will be increased by £10. This is the only adjustment in fees; there will be no increase in the student rate.

Why These Changes?

Our goal is to create a simplified and inclusive fee structure that better reflects the diverse needs and contributions of our community. 

By streamlining our fee structure and expanding student rate eligibility, we can better support our members at all stages of their careers and educational journeys, while also ensuring that all professional members are contributing equitably to the association’s resources and activities.

Expanding the student rate to include part-time students recognises the ongoing commitment to education and professional development among our members. Whether you are pursuing further studies while teaching or engaging in part-time academic pursuits, we want to support your growth without additional financial burden.

The modest increase in the full member rate is essential for maintaining the high-quality services, research, and events that our members value. This adjustment will help us continue to provide valuable resources and opportunities for professional development. It is the first increase we have made since 2018 and while we have absorbed much of the inflationary pressures of recent years (if the membership fee had kept pace, the increase would be over three times the amount proposed) we feel we need to make this modest increase now.

What do I need to do?

Members on Direct Debit

If you are registered as a teacher member and you are undertaking part time study, please email with your student details including end date and we will ensure you renew at the student rate

If you are on the teacher rate and do not provide us with these details, you will automatically be moved onto the Full member rate for 2025.


Thank you for your continued support and engagement with BERA.