Winter 2023/24
Research Intelligence issue 157: Research & practice on migration & education across the four nations of the UK

On November 8, 2023 Professor Anna Vignoles, the recipient of this year’s John Nisbet Award, took part in a lively and stimulating conversation with BERA President, Vivienne Baumfield. The full video from the event is now available to watch below.
Professor Vignoles has also written an article for Issue 157 of Research Intelligence entitled “Improving the educational outcomes of poor students” where she identifies the disparity in outcomes between affluent and disadvantaged students and reflects on narrowing this achievement gap.
Click below to download this free access article.
Research Intelligence is BERA’s quarterly magazine and is free to all BERA members. Become a BERA member now and get the rest of 2023 for free!
Research Intelligence issue 157: Research & practice on migration & education across the four nations of the UK