BERJ Editors’ Choice Award 2018
The editorial team of the British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) and BERA and are delighted to announce the winners of the 2018 BERJ Editors’ Choice Award, recognising articles published across the previous calendar year (2017)
The recipients of this year’s BERJ Editor’s Choice Award are:
George Leckie and Harvey Goldstein, for ‘The evolution of school league tables in England 1992–2016: “Contextual value‐added”, “expected progress” and “progress 8”’, BERJ 43(2): 193–212. (open access)
The editors said:
‘This paper marks an important reflection on current educational practice and has strong contemporary relevance. We are particularly impressed with how the authors successfully combine empirical, theoretical, historical and policy angles, working them into a robust and persuasive argument about school league tables.’ |
The editors also commend the authors of the following papers shortlisted for the award.
Kirsty Finn, ‘Multiple, relational and emotional mobilities: Understanding student mobilities in higher education as more than “staying local” and “going away”’, BERJ 43(4): 743–758.
Rebecca Allen and Jay Allnutt, ‘The impact of Teach First on pupil attainment at age 16’, BERJ 43(4): 627–646.