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BERA journals announce Editors’ Choice Awards for 2023

Two of BERA’s journals, Curriculum Journal and Review of Education, have announced their annual Editors’ Choice Awards, recognising papers published in their 2023 volumes. BERA and the editors extend their warm congratulations to the authors.

Curriculum Journal Editors’ Choice Award 2023

The editors have selected two papers to share this year’s prize.

The editors say: ‘This is a very impressive paper that beautifully synthesises a range of complex theoretical approaches, to develop a clear thesis about enacting curriculum policy through figurational sociology and policy enactment literature.’

The editors say: ‘This is an excellent paper, characterised by incisive analysis of socio-political trends in education, exploring how neoliberalism and neoconservatism are enacted through and shape curricula and pedagogies in the context of mathematics.’

Review of Education Editors’ Choice Award 2023

The 2023 editorial team (led by Stephen Gorard and Nadia Siddiqui) selected the following paper for this year’s prize.

The editors say: ‘The article contributes synthesis of existing evidence on association between children’s level of anxiety and teachers’ classroom management practices. We selected this paper on the basis of its clarity in presenting the review design and synthesis of results from selected studies. The article has an excellent level of readability and we think classroom practitioners and school leaders may find it very useful for their understanding and improvement goals.’