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2019 John Nisbet Fellows Announced

Since 2014 BERA has awarded the John Nisbet Fellowship to one or more people who are deemed to have made an outstanding contribution to educational research over their career. Named in honour of our first President, this award recognises individuals who exemplify BERA’s commitment to encouraging educational research and its application for the improvement of practice and public benefit.

We are delighted to announce the 2019 Fellows are:

Professor Walter Humes, University of Stirling

Professor Mary James, University of Cambridge

Professor Andrew Pollard, UCL-Institute of Education

All three fellows will attend BERA Conference 2019. Mary James and Andrew Pollard will be presenting a joint keynote and Walter Humes will be presenting a breakfast session.
See the programme here


Find out more about the John Nisbet Fellowship here

2019 John Nisbet Fellows

Profile picture of Walter Humes
Walter Humes, Professor

Honorary Professor at University of Stirling

Walter Humes has been a Professor of Education at the Universities of Aberdeen, Strathclyde and West of Scotland. He is now an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Stirling. His publications range over a...

Profile picture of Mary James
Mary James, Professor

Retired at University of Cambridge

Mary James, FAcSS, formally retired as Professor from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education in 2014. She previously held posts at the Institute of Education London, the Open University and in three secondary schools. She is a Past...

Profile picture of Andrew Pollard
Andrew Pollard, Professor

Higher Education Researcher at University College London

Andrew Pollard was brought up in Devon and has a family background in printing and in farming. He received his BA in Sociology and Economics from the University of Leeds, PGCE in Education from the University of Lancaster, MEd and PhD, in the...