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Play a key role in helping to shape the future of BERA by voting in the BERA Council Elections. Voting opens Monday March 9th and closes March 27th.

There are currently 4 vacancies on BERA Council, with 1 position elected to the role of Treasurer.

All current BERA members will be sent links to the online ballot on Monday March 9th.

If you are a BERA member and require a postal ballot, please contact

Alex Lonie (
Electoral Reform Services
33 Clarendon Road
London, N8 0NW

Telephone: 020 8365 8909

BERA Council

BERA Council is the governing body of the Association and the members of the Council are, de facto, the Trustees of the Association as a registered Charity and Directors under Companies House regulations. The Council is the governing body of the Association and has ultimate authority and decision-making over all business including policy, planning and resources. BERA is a company limited by guarantee with registered company number 08284220 and regulated charity number 1150237. As such, any individual elected to BERA Council will be required to sign a declaration to confirm that they are not disqualified from acting as a charity trustee.

Council meets 3 times a year with one of those meetings being a residential Awayday. In addition to these meetings, Council members serve on a BERA committee which will meet up to 3 times a year. These committees are:

  • Membership and Engagement Committee
  • Academic Publications Committee
  • Conference Committee

BERA Treasurer

The Treasurer serves for a four-year term. (S)he is also the Honorary Secretary of the Association. His/ her role is to:

  • Oversee the Annual Budget of the Association in conjunction with the Executive Director;
  • Work with the Executive Director to ensure robust financial monitoring is in place;
  • Make periodic reports to Council on BERA finances;
  • Oversee the production of the annual accounts to the AGM of the Association;
  • Ensure any delegated budgets are properly spent and accounted for;

The Treasurer serves as an Officer of BERA and candidates should be able to make a commitment of a minimum of 12-15 days per year to BERA activities.

Further information about how BERA operates and the roles and responsibilities are available on our website:

If you want any further information or want to talk to us before standing, please contact Nick Johnson, Executive Director at

The term of office for all elected positions start in September 2015. However, successful candidates will be invited to the BERA Council Strategic Awayday as observers.