Showing results 1–12 of 21
Every year, BERA’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network runs an annual symposium series that spans the four nations and focuses on a particular theme. The ECR Network’s symposia series seeks...
Event seriesLive event series
Arts Based Educational Research SIG Series provides will present how Arts Based Educational Research offers a deep exploration of how the arts profoundly impact educational research,...
Event seriesLive event series
Advancing Equity and Inclusion in Educational Research, Policy and Practice 2024–2026 BERA Presidential Seminar Series provides compelling research reviews offering a state-of-the-art...
Event seriesLive event series
BERA’s Race Equality Policy is a commitment to addressing racial inequities within the Association and the wider educational research community. In 2022 and 2023, BERA is presenting a series of...
Event seriesPast event series
Run by the Education Media Centre these online training sessions will be aimed at early career researchers who want their work to reach non-academic audiences. Each session will be half a day with...
Event seriesPast event series
Doctoral students and Early Career Researchers often struggle to navigate journal peer review (here are two BERA ECR Network podcasts (1)/(2) on the topic) because it is not a skillset that is...
Event seriesPast event series
Does your research involve working with young people? Are you interested in youth-led, creative or culturally-responsive methodologies? The British Educational Research Association (BERA) special...
Event seriesPast event series
Every year the ECR Network runs a number of events every year, including an annual symposia series across the four nations focusing on a theme. The theme for 2022 is ‘Framing Research:...
Event seriesPast event series
The BERA-CERA Academic Publishing Webinar Series 2021 are targeted at PGRs and ECRs who are relatively new to the ‘Academic Publications World’ and who lack experiences in academic publishing...
Event seriesPast event series
With the revised Early Years Foundation Stage guidance being used by early adopters we argue that now is a good time to focus on revisiting the function of Early Childhood Education and Care...
Event seriesPast event series
Every year the ECR Network runs a number of events every year, including an annual symposia series. This year these will all be held virtually. The theme for 2021 is ‘Overcoming challenges in...
Event seriesPast event series
#principlesintopractice As part of the Research Methodologies’ SIG’s remit to encourage evidence-based practice, we are providing examples of practitioners who have implemented their research...
Event seriesPast event series