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Past event

Writing Retreat and Coffee hour

This writing retreat is aimed at providing a friendly space for writing and networking and in particular ECRs, organised by the Education for Environmental Sustainability SIG. 

From feedback received during the Meet and Greet at the BERA/WERA Conference, our members felt they would benefit from more informal spaces where networking can take place. 

The proposed Writing Retreat will provide a good balance between networking and time for focus and for writing.  The timing of this Writing Retreat was particularly chosen for January 2025, which will coincide with abstract submission deadline for the next BERA conference in 2025. 

Colleagues who join may work on any of their research writing, however we thought that providing this writing space in January, may also encourage more abstract submissions.  The Writing Retreat we are proposing will provide a space for working (writing/working on EfES related journals/PhDs) and facilitate networking: the online element will make it accessible to participants from various geographical areas in the UK and internationally. 

During the retreat we are proposing regular breaks where EfES SIG Colleagues can share their EfES news, projects and activities, and network with others that may be working on similar themes to encourage more research collaboration.  

Chairs & Speakers

Profile picture of Lynda Dunlop
Lynda Dunlop, Dr

Senior Lecturer in Science Education at University of York

Lynda Dunlop is Director of Education for Environmental Sustainability at York, and a senior lecturer in science education. Her research is interdisciplinary, working across the social sciences, sciences and arts and humanities. Current studies...

Profile picture of Amanda Anderson
Amanda Anderson, Dr

Anglia Ruskin University

I completed my PhD at Anglia Ruskin University's School of Education where I am now a Senior Lecturer at the ARU's Chelmsford campus. My reserach is on ESE (Environmental and Sustainability Education) and my focus is Christian ESE providers. My...

Profile picture of Lauren Hennessy
Lauren Hennessy, Ms

Research Associate at University of Bristol

My main area of interest is sustainable education and in particular the intersections with issues of social, racial and epistemic justice. I am interested in participatory approaches to research and education which centre young people.

Profile picture of Elizabeth Rushton
Elizabeth Rushton, Professor

Head of Education Division at University of Stirling

Professor Elizabeth Rushton is a professor in Education and the head of the Division of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Stirling. Her research interests are in geography and science education, specifically the...