Past event
Supporting Teachers as Researchers

Online registration is now closed. However there are still spaces available. Please arrive in time for registration to register for this event.
Organised by the Practitioner Research SIG, University of Manchester and NCTL. This event is for all teachers who are already involved or interested to become involved with Research and Development – this one day conference is a collaborative opportunity for teachers and practitioner researchers from BERA to share expertise and develop further insights to support Research and development in Schools.
Full programme and abstracts can now be downloaded.
10.00 Registration, tea and coffee
10.30 Keynote 1: Canada, Chile & China: Developing Collaborative Partnerships in Research & Practice
Professor Ann Leiberman, Colombia University USA
11.30 In 4 rooms, research presentations (each with potentially 3 presentations each of 20 mins – these could be done by individuals or several). Each will be chaired by a BERA member whose role will be to facilitate a discussion at the end, about the common elements to be found from the 3 presentations. These themes will then be collated and returned to later in the day.
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Teacher Inquiry: Engaging the processes of practitioner research
Professor Lori Beckett, Leeds Met University
13.45 Method Workshops – 5 breakout sessions on topics:
• Mapping Mixed Method(ology) Research
• Researching student voice- a researching practitioner’s perspective
• Using video and multimedia within educational research
• Analysing data in R&D Projects
• Capturing a picture of pupils’ learning: Choosing the lens and making sure it is in focus.
14.40 Reassemble as large group and present the themes that have arisen from teachers’ research presentations from the morning.
15.00 Attendees select one of the themes and move into smaller groups to discuss possible new areas for research in their schools arising. The possibility of setting up learning Communities of teachers who will be looking at the theme from differing angels in their Schools will hopefully arise. Aim to give teachers renewed interest and motivation to continue research with new ideas and understandings, and a support group – which could result in a follow-up conference in the Autumn possibly at Roehampton.
15.40 Conference ends