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SIG Meet & Discuss: Arts Based Educational Research


Profile picture of Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Professor

Professor at University of Nottingham

Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan is Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham. She specialises in professional learning, self-reflexive scholarship and arts-based educational research. Her recent book, Poetic Inquiry for the Social and Human...

Lucy Barker, Dr

Assistant Professor at Northumbria University, Newcastle

Lucy Barker is an Associate Professor in Initial Teacher Education at Northumbria University, Newcastle. Her arts-based research work is informed and deepened by her theoretical framework which draws on a combination of thinkers from the fields...

Profile picture of Rebecca Berkley
Rebecca Berkley, Dr

Associate Professor in Music Education at University of Reading

Rebecca Berkley is an Associate Professor in Music Education at the University of Reading. Her areas of interest are classroom musicianship, choral education, musical leadership and musical cognition. She is the co-director of the Postgraduate...

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