Past event
Research and Teacher Education

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This joint SIG event, organised by the Teacher Education & Development and Research Methodology in Education SIGs, focuses on questions of methodology and research design in teacher education research. The programme opens with discussion of the prospects for research-informed professional practice across the UK. The day will include invited presentations and workshop activities, including the potential of digital video in professional preparation and educational research. The conference concludes with consideration of new directions in teacher education research, including RCTs.
10:00-10:30 Registration, tea and coffee
10:30-12:00 Research and Teacher Education. Presentation and discussion of arrangements across the UK for research in, on and for teacher education
Professor Linda Clarke (University of Ulster) and Dr Moira Hulme (University of Glasgow)
Discussion groups facilitated by SIG convenors, break out rooms.
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45-14:15 Researching the effects of video on teacher learning
Dr Simon Flandin (French Institute of Education/ENS Lyon)
Workshop demonstration of the use of digital video in professional education using neopass action platform
14:15-14:30 Tea and coffee
14:30-16:00 The potential of RCTs in educational research
Presentation: Professor Paul Connolly (Queen’s University Belfast). Discussant: Professor Vivienne Baumfield (University of Glasgow)
16:00 Close of meeting