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Upcoming event

Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education

The aim of this PRiME event is to build the capacity of practitioner researchers through engagement with the wider research community. This aim will be achieved by:

  • Providing an opportunity and a supportive platform for teachers of mathematics in early years, primary, secondary, further education or higher education to share their classroom research projects about any aspects of mathematics teaching and learning.
  • Facilitating critical discussion between practitioners.
  • Developing practitioners’ research skills through a discussion with new and established researchers.
  • Sharing information about opportunities available through BERA and BSRLM.

The event will focus on opportunities for mathematics practitioners to share their work in progress with others, together with extended opportunities for discussion. These extended discussions were extremely successful at the last PRiME event, helping to build a sense of community.

The day is organised and supported by BERA Special Interest Group on Mathematics in Education, in collaboration with the British Society for Research in Learning Mathematics (BSRLM).

We invite contributions from anyone engaged in close-to-practice research in mathematics education. The format of these sessions will allow for fifteen-minute presentations, each followed by ten minutes for questions. Presentations are welcome from researchers at any stage of their careers and we encourage you to take advantage of the friendly and supportive space to share your work. Please complete this short form to indicate your interest in presenting your work at this event.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 5th May. We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Draft Programme

10:00am          Welcome and Introductions

10:10am          Parallel sessions

11:00am          Screen break

11:05am          Parallel sessions

11:30am          Reflections on Sessions

11:45am          Plenary & feedforward

12:00pm          Close

Speakers & Chairs

Profile picture of Gill Adams
Gill Adams, Dr

Reader in Education at Sheffield Hallam University

Gill is a Reader in Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education (SIoE), Sheffield Hallam University. She came into higher education after seventeen years’ experience teaching and leading secondary mathematics and six years as a...

Profile picture of Gwen Ineson
Gwen Ineson, Dr

Reader in Mathematics Education at Brunel University

Gwen Ineson is a Reader in Mathematics Education at Brunel University London, where she is Deputy Head of the Department of Education. She supervises a number of doctoral researchers and her main teaching is on the primary PGCE, where she is...

Profile picture of Corinne Angier
Corinne Angier, Ms

PHD student at University of Stirling

My initial undergraduate education was in agriculture and forestry and I have a masters’ in forestry and land management. I trained to be a secondary mathematics teacher through an innovative a progressive two-year programme at Sheffield Hallam...