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Nature, Outdoor Learning & Play SIG Launch Event

Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email for details of how to register onsite.

Please join us as we officially launch BERA’s new Nature, Outdoor Learning and Play (NOLAP) special interest group. NOLAP aims to provide a focus for the wealth of outdoor learning research taking place in the UK, and beyond. We want to encourage critical debate from methodological, philosophical, political, creative and educational perspectives.
This one-day event will bring together academics, practitioners and students to engage critically in debates around nature, learning and play in outdoor settings. We will be considering how to expand the horizons of childhood and adulthood through NOLAP, with a focus on the natural world on our doorstep. And we will discuss how to expand our understandings of NOLAP through pedagogy and research, with a focus on the illumination of complexity.
Come and join us as we discuss ways of researching across the lifespan into nature, outdoor learning and play, to explore the health, wellbeing and educational benefits that may be provided within a range of educational contexts.


10.00 Registration and refreshments
10.30 Welcome to NOLAP
Dr Tracy Hayes, University of Cumbria and Dr Mark Leather, Plymouth Marjon University
10.45 Living with uncertainty: Building a balanced, thoughtful approach to risk in outdoor play
Tim Gill, Independent researcher
11.30 Seminar discussions
Facilitated by
Dr Tracy Hayes and Dr Mark Leather on implications for educational research and practice from ‘Living with uncertainty’, and ‘What do we want from NOLAP?’
12.45 Plenary
facilitated by Tim Gill, independent researcher
13.00 Lunch & networking
14.00 Play, outcomes and policy agendas: a critical perspective
Professor Elizabeth Ann Wood, Sheffield University
14.45 Roundtable discussions on
Implications for educational research and policy from ‘outcomes and policy agendas’ 
‘What do we want from NOLAP?’
15.30 Plenary
Facilitated by Professor Elizabeth Ann Wood, Sheffield University
15.45 SIG planning and completion of evaluation forms
Facilitated by Dr Tracy Hayes and Dr Mark Leather
16.00 Close of event



The BERA Early Career Researcher Network offers a limited amount of bursaries to the value of £75 towards travel for BERA Student Members only.

To apply for one of these bursaries, please complete the form with a statement on why you want to attend this event and why you need the financial assistance. Bursaries are offered on a first come, first served basis. Travel expenses will be reimbursed after the event in accordance with our travel policies. You must not have previously received bursary funding from BERA.

Event Bursary 2019 – Apply now

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