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Past event Part of series: Journal Peer Review: What are Journal Editors Looking for?

Journal Peer Review: The Case of a Language Education Journal

Doctoral students and Early Career Researchers often struggle to navigate journal peer review (here are two BERA ECR Network podcasts (1)/(2) on the topic) because it is not a skillset that is explicitly and structurally incorporated into (post-)doctoral training and programmes. More often than not, junior researchers acquire the nitty-gritty of journal peer review through hands-on experiences, sometimes without the support of more experienced researchers. Bringing together journal editors of four leading international journals in the broad field of education, this webinar series adopts an in-depth, case study approach to pinpoint the dos’ and don’ts of journal peer review.

Speakers will share their experiences and narratives of editing their journals. In doing so, attendees are expected to gain a better understanding of the important topics related to journal peer review such as factors affecting editorial decisions, recommendations for how to respond to reviewers’ comments.


09:00 Welcome & BERA Introduction
Dr Sin-Wang Chong, University of Edinburgh
09:05 The Case of a Language Education Journal
Associate Professor Rita Elaine Silver, Nanyang Technological University
10:00 Q&A
10:30 Event Close

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  • A recording of the event will be available within 3 days after the event for BERA Members only

Chairs and Speakers

Profile picture of Rita Elaine Silver
Rita Elaine Silver, Professor

Associate Professor in English Language and Literature at Nanyang Technological University

Rita Elaine Silver is an Associate Professor in English Language and Literature and Associate Dean for Research Design & Integrity (Office of Education Research), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her...

Profile picture of Sin-Wang Chong
Sin-Wang Chong, Professor

Director of Research & Director of Impact and Innovation at University of St Andrews

Sin-Wang (Ph.D., SFHEA, FRSA) is Director of Research and Director of Impact and Innovation at the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute, University of St Andrews. Concurrently, he is Visiting Professor at King's College London...

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