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Past event Part of series: Race Equality in Education

Envisioning a gold standard: Understanding higher education institutions’ outlook for race equality policies, practices & future initiatives

This event will provide an update on the report, and will be critiqued by a respondent. Delegates will also have the opportunity to ask questions throughout.

Although there has been significant progress in developing balanced institutional frameworks to identify and address barriers to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff and students, such as BERA’s Race Equality Policy and Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter (REC), there remains a challenge in agreeing the ‘gold’ standard for tackling racism and other forms of discrimination in higher education. Advance HE’s REC provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and self-reflect on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students. Member institutions develop initiatives and solutions for action, and can apply for a Bronze or Silver REC award, depending on their level of progress.

This project aimed to:

  • Investigate how HEIs’ stance on tackling racial disparities for students and staff is influenced by scholarship and the UK policy landscape.
  • Understand the possibilities for, and limitations within, leveraging metrics, statistical evidence, narratives and testimonies of racism and racial inequalities to account for individuals’ multiple attributes, identities and values.

View the report


13:00 BERA Introduction
13:05 Update of the report
13:20 Respondent
13:40 Q&A
13:55 Summary, thanks and conclude
16:00 Event Close

Watching a BERA Virtual event

  • You will be sent the link to the event at least 3 days before the event. If you register in the last few days you will be sent the link within 24 hours
  • Our platform should work on all platforms
  • For the best viewing experience please use a laptop or computer
  • You will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the presentations
  • It is best to check your connection at least 10 minutes before the event, and any problems the BERA technical team may be able to assist
  • A recording of the event will be available within 3 days after the event for BERA Members only


Profile picture of Saima Salehjee
Saima Salehjee, Dr

Senior Lecturer in Education at Brunel University

Dr Saima Salehjee is a Senior Lecturer in Education at Brunel University London. She is responsible for teaching and research work, particularly on Science Education. Saima has received grants to continue her research with underprivileged...


Profile picture of Richard Race
Richard Race, Dr

Senior Lecturer in Education at Teesside University

Dr. Richard Race is Senior Lecturer in Education at Teesside University. He is Visiting Professor in Education at Plymouth Marjon University in England and Sapienza University in Italy. He is author of the third edition of Multiculturalism and...

Report Author

Profile picture of Melissa Jogie
Melissa Jogie, Dr

Director of Research Culture, Impact and Early Career Development at University of Roehampton

Melissa is an Early Career Researcher in Education at the University of Roehampton, leading on an institution-wide initiative to develop a research and knowledge exchange culture and citizenship across staff and postgraduate students. In 2021 she...

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