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Past event

English Across the Divides: Investigating perceptions of ‘English’ across the Key Stages in England

The Common English Forum’s (CEF) recent Manifesto for English in England (2024) states that subject English is an ‘eco-system’ that stretches from the Early Years and Ks1 to KS5 and beyond. However, it warns that ‘significant damage’ to this system, caused at least in part by the current national curriculum for English (DfE, 2013) and its attendant assessment and accountability frameworks, is now ‘jeopardising’ the eco-system in its entirety. Given the new government’s commitment to curriculum review the time is right to explore perceptions of English within and between key stages, and consider how different phases might learn from and build upon each other.   

This event provides an opportunity for dialogue and an exploration of perspectives between experts across phases in England. The four presenters are all English specialists working in primary, secondary and further education (FE).

The event will focus on reading, reading pedagogy and text choices. Because reading is a central element of English, such a focus will allow comparisons to be drawn between phases and will be of interest to practitioners at every level.

With reading as a unifying lens, the presenters will variously explore aspects of curriculum, teacher agency, Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD), student perspective and student voice. They will facilitate a looking ‘forwards and back’ between key stages. Specifically, Brownsword will draw on her doctoral research to focus on primary teachers’ awareness of racial diversity in the fiction texts they teach and make recommendations for practice; Glowach and Ghelani will discuss how the use of non-fiction texts about tree cover in urban settings in both KS2 and KS3 can be used to develop young people’s eco and socio-critical literacy skills; and Kemp will draw on her doctoral research to problematise the reading experience for post-16 students forced to resit GCSE English Language in FE and the impact that this has on these students’ reading identities.

Combined, these three presentations will address what the experience of ‘English’ might look like for a student as they progress through the key stages; consider the importance of subject English teachers’ awareness of the phases that precedes and succeed their specialism; promote good practice in English reading pedagogy; and explore implications for curriculum policy, ITE and CPD. Furthermore, since reading pedagogy is of interest to L1 educators around the world, we would welcome participants from all jurisdictions to share their own experiences and practice.

Draft Programme

04:30pm          Welcome & Introduction 

04:35pm           Introduction of events and presenters; Lorna Smith,  University of Bristol

04:40pm          Presentation 1; Sarah Brownsword, University of East Anglia;

04:52pm          Presentation 2; Terra Glowach, University of the West of England

05:04pm          Presentation 3; Kalpa Ghelani, University of the West of
                            England Bristol

05:16pm           Presentation 4; Beth Kemp, Nottingham Trent University

05:20pm          Panel Discussion

05:30pm          Q&A

05:50pm          Summary

06:00pm         Close of Event

Chairs & Speakers

Profile picture of Lorna Smith
Lorna Smith, Dr

Associate Professor in Education at University of Bristol

Dr Lorna Smith is an associate professor in Education at the University of Bristol. A former Head of English, she has been involved in English initial teacher education (ITE) for 20 years and has led the secondary English PGCE course at Bristol...

Profile picture of Sarah Brownsword
Sarah Brownsword, Miss

Lecturer in Education at University of East Anglia

Sarah Brownsword is a lecturer in Primary education at University of East Anglia; she teaches the English and Primary Languages components of the Primary PGCE course and is the course co-director. Sarah is interested in race and diversity in...

Profile picture of Beth Kemp
Beth Kemp, Mrs

Programme Lead for GCSE English Language (Leicester College) at Nottingham Trent University

Beth Kemp has worked as an English teacher in both secondary school and post-16 settings for over 20 years, developing a specialism in Language, alongside a keen interest in young people’s reading for pleasure. She has authored or co-authored a...

Profile picture of Terra Glowach
Terra Glowach, Ms

Senior Lecturer ITE at University of the West of England

Terra Glowach is a Senior Lecturer in ITE at the University of the West of England. She researches teacher-led approaches to decolonising Secondary Education in England.

Profile picture of Kalpa Ghelani
Kalpa Ghelani, Mrs

Lecturer at University of the West of England Bristol

Kalpa Ghelani, a former primary school teacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for the PGCE, teaching on both undergraduate and postgraduate Initial Teacher Education programmes. Kalpa's...