Philosophy with Children and/or Communities is thriving, along with the international educational and philosophical movement associated with it, as the wider significance of its pedagogy, the community of philosophical enquiry, is recognised and adopted by more and more educators worldwide. This event offered an opportunity for critical engagement with the robust scholarship connected to Philosophy with Children and Communities, through exemplifications of its theory and practice in different contexts around the world.
The philosopher-educator-activists that make up the panel of facilitators for this event are concerned in different ways with questions of educational, social, and environmental justice and these pre-occupations inform their research and critical advocacy. All have a strong and varied track record of academic and practical experience in collaborative philosophical enquiry. This experience will come into play as each explores key concepts along with the productive tensions between their approaches, as well as drawing participants into the dialogue.
The event aimed to illustrate some of the ways in which collaborative philosophical enquiry brings into question the relationships between education, everyday living, power structures and relations. During the event we proposed to work closely with concepts of critical and transformative pedagogy and to raise new questions about those ideas, their interpretation and enactment.
This event brought together a team of international colleagues who work variously in the field Philosophy for/with Children and Communities. The thread connecting them is one that recognises the potential and power of philosophical enquiry in the development of democratic and just societies.
Draft Programme:
09:30 |
BERA Introduction |
09:35 |
Chair welcome; introduction to event and panels
Joanna Haynes, University of Plymouth
09:50 |
Provocation One Panel
Simone Thornton, University of Wollongong,
Mary Graham, University of Queensland,
Gilbert Burgh, University of Queensland,
Graeme Tiffany, Independent Researcher and Education Consultant
10:05 |
Breakout Enquiry Groups |
10:25 |
Provocation Two Panel
Rose-Anne Reynolds, University of Cape Town,
Claire Cassidy, University of Strathclyde,
Magda Carvalho, University of the Azores,
Grace Lockrobin, Director of Philosophy for Children and Communities, SAPERE
10:40 |
Breakout Enquiry Groups |
11:00 |
Plenary |
11:20 |
Chair and Panel Closing Comments
11:30 |
Event Close |
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