Past event
AAACE 2020 Conference
The current state of social engagement, public and private, in our society, requires urgent attention. An observation of the discourse around us results in three apparent issues. First, it is easy to see our dialogue as divisive wherein the voicing of personal opinions is seen as an attack rather than an opportunity for debate or dialogue. Second, the expression of differing values creates enemies of the “right” and “wrong” person rather than opportunities for mutual respect. Third, and perhaps the most important, is the general lack of discourse itself. Additionally, there can be many factors that have contributed to the decline in the nature of discourse in our lives and our society such as our deep perceptions of what is right and wrong with others’ religion, politics, economic philosophy, and other ideologies. The question becomes, how can we avoid this and improve discourse through adult education?
The call is open to accept proposals for all sections thru April 3:
AAACE Conference
(October 27-30)
Commission on International Adult Education Pre-Conference
(CIAE, October 26-27)
Commission on Distance Learning and Technology Pre-Conference
(CDLT, October 27)
Commission of Professors of Adult Education Co-Conference
(CPAE, October 29)
For more information click here