The British Educational Research Association (BERA) is a member-led charity which exists to encourage educational research and its application for the improvement of practice and public benefit.
We strive to ensure the best quality evidence from educational research informs policy makers, practitioners and the general public and contributes to economic prosperity, cultural understanding, social cohesion and personal flourishing.
Since its inception in 1974, BERA has expanded into an internationally renowned association with UK and non-UK based members. It strives to be inclusive of the diversity of educational research and scholarship and welcomes members from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, theoretical orientations, methodological approaches, sectoral interests and institutional affiliations. It also encourages the development of productive relationships with other associations within and beyond the UK.
Membership benefits include:
- On-line access to four journals, email bulletins on research news and our weekly newsletter
- Engaging with policy-makers and practitioners through seminars and our respected magazine Research Intelligence and innovative Insights publications
- Access to specialist events and networks such as the Postgraduate Forum
- Celebrating excellence through our fellowships and awards
- Making the case for educational research at the highest levels
- Be part of a vibrant, forward-looking community of educational researchers
- Opportunities for peer engagement though participation in our annual refereed international conference and other events as well as through our special interest groups (SIGs)
- Discounted conference and event registration
For further information and to join BERA, click here