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23 September 2014 to 25 September 2014London
BERA Conference 2014 Abstracts – ECR Parallel Session 2
Spotlight Session: A beginners guide to getting published in BERA’s journals
Presenter: Jessica Davis, Senior Commissioning Editor, Journals, Wiley
Comparative and International Education
Chair: N. Savvides
343 Managing change in a time of social and economic crisis Georgas, Thomas – Institute of Education
912 A study of a training program provided by national academic for educational research for primary school head teachers in Taiwan Wu, Yi-jung – University of Manchester
369 Social accountability vs market orientated accountability: A case study of public and private school in Haryana, India Narwana, Kamlesh – Jawaharlal Nehru University
Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy
Chair: T. Macfadyen
266 Formative and summative assessment of science in English primary schools: evidence from the Primary Science Quality Mark Earle, Sarah – Bath Spa University
560 Forms of feedback: The interpretation and values placed on three distinct forms of feedback for MA Education Spink, Russell – Staffordshire University
630 Colloborative teaching and learning of creating an inquiry based community through constructive dialogues in Liberal Studies: A case study of Hong Kong Zhi, Blanche Tang, Wing – Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chair: V. Yanez – Monje
039 Who’s that talking in my class: What does research say about pupil to pupil exploratory talk that leads to learning? Rutter, Tim – Edge Hill University Edwards, Ruth – Ridgeway High School Dean, Phil – St Mary’s Catholic High
169 Formative assessment – teachers’ perspectives on their own feedback practices Yanez-Monje, Veronica – King’s College London
181 A new curriculum for English Teaching: teacher’s perceptions and needs in relation to the new curriculum Lei, Man/ Medwell, Jane – University of Nottingham
Chair: K. Hobbs
345 The constitution and implementation of the English Baccalaureate: implications for educational equality Hobbs, Kathryn – University of Sheffield
380 Putting standards into the standards-based assessment practices Alonzo, Dennis/ Mirriahi, Negin/ Davison, Chris – University of New South Wales
018 An investigation of teaching and learning practices taking place in different SES settings Dulfer, Nicky – University of Melbourne
505 Metacognition and children’s second language acquisition in China Xu, Chenyan – University of Cambridge
872 The use of videos – effects on children’s language and literacy skills Saimin, Rahimah – University of Dundee
898 The impact of entry qualifications on transitions into higher education Inglis, Sharon – Staffordshire University
606 The role of trait emotional intelligence in achievement during a stressful educational transition: a multistage model of mediation via social support, coping and adaptation Perera, Harsha – University of Southern Queensland
072 The influence of identity and emotion on undergraduate students’ construction of effective summarative feedback Long, Phillip – Anglia Ruskin University
240 Greek headtachers’ perceptions of inclusion: which are the opportunities and barriers that arise for schools’ leaders? Rapti, Maria – University of Leeds
775 Exploring the impact of teachers’ beliefs about inclusion on their classroom practices Azad, Talat – King’s College London
189 What is it like to be a primary school teacher supporting children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties? Childerhouse, Helen – Sheffield Hallam University
Leadership & Management in Education
Chair: M. Jopling
551 Inspiring and distributing leadership to students: a case study of a school in Bangladesh Salahuddin, Abu/ Greenwood, Janinka – University of Canterbury
342 The interrelationship between decision-making processes, values and professional practice in an English secondary school as it approaches academisation Rayner, Stephen – University of Manchester
Chair: A. Halsall
661 An investigation into the leadership styles of Muslim headteachers: A comparative study of secondary schools in England and Pakistan Iqbal, Asima – University of Warwick
861 ‘Exploring instructional leadership in a cross-country comparative context: lessons from English and Greek high-performing secondary schools’ Kaparou, Maria – University of Warwick
Literacy and Language
Chair: J. Medwell
166 The changing nature of Chinese supplementary schools in the UK Lei, Man/ Medwell, Jane – University of Nottingham
905 Getting to know you: the development of intercultural competence as an essential element in learning Mandarin Jin, Tinghe – Institute of Education
Mentoring and Coaching
Chair: S. Fletcher
366 Good synergy and bad synergy: the mentor’s perspective Burg, Carol – National Louis University
403 The pedagogical development of elite football coaches – the case of Sweden Svensson, Robert/ Ericsson, Christer – School of Heath and Medical Sciences
832 The role and impact of learning mentors in English Primary schools Kuruvilla, Benny – The University of Northampton
Philosophy of Education
Chair: R. Davies
352 Photographs as a pedagogical and educational research tool: using photo-essays for reflexivity and critical thinking Royant, Lena – University of Reading
429 Not teaching: a scholastic logic Marshall Michael – Institute of Education
Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy
Chair: A. Flintoff
286 A study of the impact of the Foundation Phase on children’s motor development and physical activity Wainwright, Nalda/ Goodway, Jackie/ Whitehead Margaret – University of Bedfordshire Williams, Andrew – University of Wales, Trintity St David Kirk, David – University of Queensland
804 Increasing knowledge and motivation during structured physical activity time in the primary school setting Murray, Alison – University of Roehampton
876 Motivating assessment in Physical Education Maes, Jolien/ Haerens, Leen/ Cardon, Greet – Ghent University Krijgsman, Christa – Fontys Hogeschool
Practitioner Research
Chair: d. Struthers
471 Development and implementation of a metalearning project as an EFL elective course in a Taiwanese secondary Lin, Shu-wen/ Rattray, Julie/ Walker-Gleaves, Caroline – Durham University
416 Educational research in the NHS: Breaking through the governance barrier Gathercole, Katie – University of Leeds
862 ‘Problem girls? Understanding the embodied experiences and problematic behaviour of young women in the urban post-16 college’ Stanger, Camilla – Goldsmiths
470 What’s all the fuss about? How teachers perceive and define problematic behaviours in the classroom Kidd-Smithers, Rachel – Staffordshire University
Race, Ethnicity and Education
Chair: C. Chadderton
167 Ethnicity, Young People and ‘othering’ ‘It’s like we don’t exist’; transitions from school to nowhere Nasim Riaz, Nighet – University of the West of Scotland
336 Education, career mobility and the attitudes of South Asian Girls and Women: An investigation of the experiences of adult and adolescent Pakistani females Choudhry, Fouzia – Staffordshire University
Research Methodology in Education
Chair: L. Todd
613 How can spirituality and the lived experiences of ‘autistic’ persons be incorporated into educational research? The use of IPA to analyse ‘autistic’ persons’ autobiographies Pelge, Jayrunisa/ Stolberg, Tonie/ Guldberg, Karen – University of Birmingham
936 Do we see through their eyes? Testing a web-based survey through cognitive interviews Sopromadze, Natia – University of Warwick Moorosi, Pontso – University of Bedfordshire
232 Unequal represenation of socioeconomic classes in STEM education Amitava Banerjee, Pallavi – School of Education
531 How do girls engage with science? A case study of girls’ secondary school in the UK Godec, Spela – King’s College London
632 Repositioning the Gender Gap in STEM Miller-Friedmann, Jaimie – University of Oxford
848 Effect of type of schools on student’s academic achievement, self-esteem and academic motivation at higher secondary level Anwar, Fizza – Forman Christian College Noureen, Ghazala – Lahore College for Women University
482 Teenage pregnancy as a substitute for education in Nigeria Ogbonna-Nwaogu, Ifeyinwa – National Open University of Nigeria
Teacher Education and Development
Chair: M. Hulme
289 Voices on values; perceptions, reactions and effects in Catholic College Clark, Alison – Liverpool Hope University
341 What does it mean to be a teacher? Lord, Janet – University of Manchester
944 Viewing teachers’ practice as educational practices: what does that mean? Ximena Bonilla, Sandra – Universidad Distital FJC
550 An investigation of the experiences of newly graduated English Language Teachers (ELT) in their first years in Libyan Schools: a case study in post conflict Tripoli Abusrewel, Fatma – University of Huddersfield
427 Beginning teacher identity shaping: Temporospatial dimension O’Sullivan, Dan/ Conway, Paul – University College Cork
766 Graduate teacher wellbeing: how and why we should support those who begin intrepid and resilient Kumar, Doreen/ Stokes, Helen – University of Melbourne
314 Teaching critical and creative thinking skills in primary education – Teacher Trainer and Trainee perspectives Barnaby, Beverley/ Burghardt, Vicky – Middlesex University
622 How can Initial Teacher Education help beginning teachers to develop the speaking skills of their language students in school? Regan, Vanessa – University of Sussex
411 Teacher Cognition: a study of secondary English Teachers Enow, Linda/ Goodwyn, Andy/ Powell, Daisy – University of Reading
Youth Studies
Chair: J. Batsleer
473 The TV as a teacher: Nigerian children’s exposure to videos and their perception of social relations Onwubere, Chidinma – National Open University of Nigeria
707 The relationships of parent’s beliefs, perceived parenting behaviours, adolescent’s self-efficacy beliefs and developmental outcomes: a pioneer investigation in the context of contemporary Chinese society Gao, Jie – University of Cambridge
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