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Special Interest Group

Mental Health, Wellbeing and Education

Working together for a whole-education approach to mental health and wellbeing

The Mental Health, Wellbeing and Education SIG (launched in 2018) provides a dynamic and inclusive forum for academics, practitioners, researchers, students, and others passionate about education. This SIG offers a creative and eclectic range of events, publications and social media resources for the broad education community to engage in conversations about mental health and wellbeing, share their experiences, exchange knowledge, disseminate research findings, and forge new networks and collaborations. The global Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated a pre-existing mental health crisis which is tangible across education settings and the work of our SIG continues to grow in scope and impact in response to an ever-changing educational landscape. 

 Research interests 

  • Mental health and wellbeing interventions in education  
  • Education staff mental health and wellbeing 
  • Children and young people’s mental health and outcomes 
  • Educational and life transitions  
  • Intersectional identities and their relationship with mental health 
  • Mental health, wellbeing and digital technologies 
  • Mental health and wellbeing strategies and policies 

 SIG aims: 

  • To facilitate a network of academics, practitioners, researchers, students and others who have a special interest in mental health, wellbeing and education  
  • To raise awareness and promote mental health and wellbeing for everyone in education  
  • To encourage and support research in the area of mental health, wellbeing and education and contribute to knowledge 
  • To create a dynamic forum to discuss pertinent issues in relation to mental health, wellbeing and education  
  • To inform and shape good practice and education policy specifically in relation to mental health and wellbeing in education 
  • To foster a diverse and inclusive culture of support and collaboration for the education community 
  • To produce, support and deliver high-quality events, publications and social media content 


Mental Health on Record: A film created by young people

‘Mental Health on Record’ is a stop-motion animation film made by a group of young people which explores how contemporary views on mental health can be used to interpret historical records from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The project was run by the Education team at the National Archives in partnership with Richmond Borough Mind.

This film can be used to support KS3 and KS4 Health Education elements of the PSHE curriculum. You can view the video in full by following the link below and explore the lesson activities provided on the National Archives web pages:

Follow this link to view:

Looking after your self-ie: A guide to finding your balance on and offline
The Royal Society for Public health (RSPH) has developed a free, open access e-learning Looking after your self-ie: A guide to finding your balance on and offline, which aims to help social media users to build a meaningful, more balanced relationship with platforms. The programme focusses on awareness-raising; encouraging meaningful use by educating users on the potential harms and benefits of social media. Relevant to members of the public of all ages, the resource explores social media’s impact on loneliness, relationships, self-image, self-esteem, sleep, online trolling and bullying.

To access the guide, click on the following link: 

Useful Links

Twitter: @EdandHealth

Twitter Meets:

We host regular ‘chats’ on Twitter. Each chat is focused on a specific theme. In each chat, we post a series of questions for participants to respond to. The discussions are often lively and informal.

Examples of recent themes have included:

  • The mental health and wellbeing of education practitioners
  • Transitions
  • Social media and mental health
  • Student mental health in higher education

We would like to run more of these during 2023/24. If you would like to contribute to these, or if you have ideas for suitable topics, we would be delighted to hear from you.


BERA Mental Health, Wellbeing and Education Forum

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Anthea Rose
Anthea Rose, Dr

Research Fellow at Loughborough University

Anthea Rose is a research fellow at the Lincoln Academy of Learning and Teaching (LALT), University of Lincoln. She is currently leading the local Lincolnshire evaluation of the Uni Connect programme, funded by the Office for Students (OfS),...

Profile picture of Michelle Jayman
Michelle Jayman, Dr

Researcher/Senior Lecturer at University of Roehampton

Michelle Jayman is a developmental psychologist with a strong background in education and extensive work experience in schools. She is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Roehampton and a Champion for the British Psychological...

Profile picture of Jonathan Glazzard
Jonathan Glazzard, Professor

Rosalind Hollis Professor of Education for Social Justice at University of Hull

Jonathan Glazzard is the Rosalind Hollis Professor of Education for Social Justice at the University of Hull. He researches LGBTQ+, mental health, disability and early literacy. In 2018, he became co-convenor of the BERA SIG for Mental Health...

Profile picture of Aimee Quickfall
Aimee Quickfall, Dr

Head of School - School of Education at Leeds Trinity University

Aimee is Head of the School of Teacher Education at Leeds Trinity University, one of the BERA SIG leads for Mental Health and Wellbeing, and a member of the BERA Conference Committee. Her research interests are well-being and workload in...

Profile picture of Elizabeth Pargeter-Takhar
Elizabeth Pargeter-Takhar, Ms

Doctoral Researcher at University of Hertfordshire

Beth is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Hertfordshire, interested in the changing nature of the headteacher role and challenges leaders face in promoting social justice and health in their school communities. She has a background in...

Content associated with this SIG

10 years of the BERA Blog

This series celebrates one decade of the BERA Blog, as an important and growing space to explore current and varied issues and questions of concern to the education community. To mark this...

Blog Series