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Special Interest Group

Literacy and Language

Supporting the development of languages and literacies in a multilingual world

This SIG aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in a range of areas related to the development of languages and literacies. We take a broad view of both terms which encompasses various dimensions of languages education (e.g. first language(s), additional language(s), modern language(s) etc.) and literacies education (e.g. print, visual, digital, cultural etc.). We aim to explore key issues around supporting the development of languages and literacies among learners at all levels. By bringing together researchers from these various perspectives we aim to contribute to key discussions in research, practice and policy.

Research interests:

  • Multilingualism/multicultural education
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Literacies
  • Media and Literacy
  • Popular culture and language/literacy
  • Multi-modality
  • Discourse/interactional analysis
  • Research methods for language and literacy

SIG aims:

  • To bring together researchers at online and facetoface events and at the BERA conference
  • To support early career and established researchers in developing and disseminating their work
  • To strengthen connections between researchers and practitioners to support the development of language and literacy skills among learners at all levels
  • To establish a voice in BERA regarding policy and practice in languages/literacies research
  • To create a network of people researching in languages and literacies
  • To support researchers in finding partners for research projects

BERA Literacy and Language Forum

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Barbara Skinner
Barbara Skinner, Professor

Professor in TESOL and Education at Ulster University

Barbara Skinner is a Professor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)and Education in the School of Education at Ulster University. Barbara lectures on a range of teacher education courses. She is involved with doctoral...

Profile picture of Karen Forbes
Karen Forbes, Dr

Associate Professor in Education at University of Cambridge

Karen Forbes is an associate professor in second language education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. Before completing her PhD in 2016, Karen taught modern languages in secondary schools in England and has also worked as an...

Content associated with this SIG

10 years of the BERA Blog

This series celebrates one decade of the BERA Blog, as an important and growing space to explore current and varied issues and questions of concern to the education community. To mark this...

Blog Series