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Special Interest Group

Arts Based Educational Research

Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) uses ideas, methods, techniques, and processes from the arts to help understand and improve education.

ABER practitioners research and communicate using various arts-based methods and methodologies, including autobiography, narrative, poetry, visual arts, drama, dance, music, and performance. The rapidly growing body of ABER literature and practitioner knowledge directly addresses art concepts as research, the nature of knowing and learning aesthetically, and the processes of making and using art for generating and communicating learning and knowledge.

The ABER SIG provides a forum for theorists and practitioners in the arts, education, and other fields to discuss, share, and reflect on illuminating and problematic arts-based research practices and outcomes. It also serves as a focal point for other parties and individuals interested in ABER who have not yet ventured into this domain. It welcomes and encourages transdisciplinary knowledge creation in business and policy studies, the social sciences and the humanities. This SIG examines arts and social science research genres and their similarities and differences. It advocates for using arts-based methods of disseminating educational and human science research. It recognises ABER as an inclusive, democratic, participatory ethical inquiry.

Research interests:

  • Promoting inclusion in arts education practice and access to arts education.
  • Providing a forum for teacher-researchers within the arts to share practice and to contribute to the culture and community of arts education research.
  • Promoting the value of arts education and its impact on wellbeing and development by sharing high-quality research from our diverse membership.
  • Encouraging educational researchers and practitioners who are not involved in arts education to explore how the arts can inspire innovative research and teaching across fields, disciplines, and contexts.

SIG aims:

Issues of funding in arts education and devaluing arts education are live and urgent issues for the SIG membership to discuss. Our professional livelihoods and those of colleagues in arts education settings are being threatened. New research and sharing of practice show the importance of creative education driven by arts teachers in the recent pandemic to support positive mental health in all children and adults. We want to create a platform to support the dissemination of this work and develop a supportive research environment for teacher-researchers in the arts.

The SIG also encourages researchers who may consider themselves “non-artistic” or “non-creative” to incorporate the arts into their work to add depth and meaning. We want to create welcoming, enjoyable, and inspiring arts-based experiences to boost initiative, creative self-belief, and learning and expression. We are committed to exploring how the arts can engender innovative research and teaching across fields, disciplines, and contexts. And we are interested in how the SIG can advance arts-based educational research by engaging with creative ideas and work globally, recognising the contributions of various knowledges and points of view, and addressing social justice issues such as inclusion and decolonisation.

BERA Arts Based Educational Research Forum

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Professor

Professor at University of Nottingham

Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan is Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham. She specialises in professional learning, self-reflexive scholarship and arts-based educational research. Her recent book, Poetic Inquiry for the Social and Human...

Profile picture of Rebecca Berkley
Rebecca Berkley, Dr

Associate Professor in Music Education at University of Reading

Rebecca Berkley is an Associate Professor in Music Education at the University of Reading. Her areas of interest are classroom musicianship, choral education, musical leadership and musical cognition. She is the co-director of the Postgraduate...

Lucy Barker, Dr

Assistant Professor at Northumbria University, Newcastle

Lucy Barker is an Associate Professor in Initial Teacher Education at Northumbria University, Newcastle. Her arts-based research work is informed and deepened by her theoretical framework which draws on a combination of thinkers from the fields...

Content associated with this SIG

10 years of the BERA Blog

This series celebrates one decade of the BERA Blog, as an important and growing space to explore current and varied issues and questions of concern to the education community. To mark this...

Blog Series

The Creative Educator

The Creative Educator – How educators use the arts to enrich teaching practices and transform learning environments This webinar introduced arts based education research methodologies and...

Video23 Jan 2025

Arts Based Educational Research SIG Webinar Series

Arts Based Educational Research SIG Series provides  will present how Arts Based Educational Research offers a deep exploration of how the arts profoundly impact educational research,...

Event seriesLive event series

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