Typing aloud
In common with most teacher educators, I am a big fan of classroom talk. I continually stress to my English subject trainee teachers the huge value of the spoken word and invite them to be...
Continue reading blog postIn common with most teacher educators, I am a big fan of classroom talk. I continually stress to my English subject trainee teachers the huge value of the spoken word and invite them to be...
Continue reading blog postIn pre-Covid England, early childhood education and care (ECEC) was already in a state of uncertainty. A maelstrom of structural conditions and an onslaught of initiatives had manifested as...
Continue reading blog postThe role of attachment theory in education has frequently been questioned, as typified in the recent Twitter exchange on ‘edutwitter’ below. Figure 1: Anonymised screenshot of a tweet and...
Continue reading blog postAcross England, most secondary-level students will be receiving predicted grades at the end of this year. These grades may determine their entry into further education or a particular workforce....
Continue reading blog post‘The ability to collaborate on both a small- and large-scale is becoming one of the core requisites of postmodern society’ (Fullan, 1993, p.5). Yet it is ‘still relatively rare for children...
Continue reading blog post‘Have you thought about including recordings of these stories as part of your thesis? It’s just that reading them out loud was really powerful for those of us listening.’ I stopped. To be...
Continue reading blog postIn October 2019 I travelled to the US to explore the benefits of oracy-centred teaching strategies and expeditionary learning for the development of the speaking, listening, reading and writing...
Continue reading blog postOn 14 February 2020, at the BERA ECR Network Symposium, my presentation focussed on participatory research in early childhood education. Having worked for a number of years in an early childhood...
Continue reading blog postIn February of this year, the University of Sheffield hosted its second BERA ECR Network symposium. Targeted at early-career researchers (ECRs), master’s and doctoral students, the symposium...
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