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BERA Announces the 2024 BERA Equality in Education award recipient

The BERA Equality in Education Award recognizes an individual whose work has sought to address wider issues of inequality and discrimination in education.  The nominee’s work will not only have advanced issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a local and/or national and/or international context, but there will be evidence that this work has contributed towards creating sustainable structural change in systems and structures that perpetuate inequality and discrimination

We are delighted to announce that the BERA Equality in Education Award for 2024 has been awarded to Mrs Chantelle Haughton. Chantelle Haughton has been a tireless advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion within the educational landscape. Her work has driven meaningful, sustainable structural change and her contributions have had a profound impact, fostering a more inclusive environment where every learner has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background.

Chantelle Haughton is the Director and Founder of DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning). Chantelle is a principal lecturer in Early Years Education at Cardiff Metropolitan University and a National Teaching Fellow. Chantelle chairs the Welsh Government’s Childcare, Early Years, Playwork Governance Group for the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan. Chantelle was chair’s brief and member of the Ministerial Working Group for Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Histories and Cynefin in the Curriculum for Wales. Chantelle is co-chair of the Black Leadership Group Wales, and vice chair of Early Years Network Wales. Chantelle was chair of Black History Wales Management Committee (2020–22) and a former vice chair of BAMEed Wales.

Please join us in congratulating Chantelle Haughton on this well-deserved recognition!

We look forward to seeing the continued influence of Chantelle’s work as it inspires further progress toward a more equitable educational system for all. We are pleased to announce Chantelle will be joining BERA Council from September 2024 as the Wales Representative.

Chantelle will accept her award in person at the BERA Awards Ceremony on 26 Nov 2024. You can register below to attend.

2024 BERA Equality in Education Award Winner

Profile picture of Chantelle Haughton
Chantelle Haughton, Mrs

DARPL Founder-Director and Principal Lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University

Chantelle Haughton is the Director and Founder of DARPL (Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning). Chantelle is a principal lecturer in Early Years Education at Cardiff Metropolitan University and a National Teaching Fellow. Chantelle...