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BERA Annual Conference 2024 – ECR Presentation Award

BERA aims to celebrate and promote the work of our Early Career Researcher Network. We presented a prize to the best Early Career researcher presentation at the conference.

The top scoring ECR abstracts were automatically shortlisted for the BERA ECR Presentation Award.

  • 1st prize – £300 + Complimentary attendance at the following years BERA Annual Conference.
  • 2nd prize – £100
  • 3rd prize – £50

You can view the full abstracts on the programme here.

1st prize winner

Mapping Heritage Language presence in inner-city secondary schools: What is the reality and what roles do attitudes and usage play?

Profile picture of Sophie Liggins
Sophie Liggins, Dr

ESRC Postdoc Fellow at University of Essex

Sophie Liggins completed her PhD at Essex in 2022. She has worked for many years as a Spanish teacher and more recently as an EAL Coordinator. Her research looks at how education practices can respond appropriately to linguistically diverse...

2nd prize winner

Disrupting pedagogies: the quiet power of Forest School

Joanna Hume, Dr

Assistant Professor at Northumbria University

My name is Jo Hume and I am an assistant professor and early career researcher at Northumbria University in the North-East of England. My overarching research interests are forest school, creative methodologies, posthumanism, new materialism,...