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Early Career Researcher Career Development Fellowship

The Fellowship is a flexible package of benefits intended to support ECRs in the first three years following completion of their doctorate, focusing in particular on those who are insecurely and precariously employed.

 The Fellowship is a flexible package of benefits intended to support ECRs in the first three years following completion of their doctorate, focusing in particular on those who are insecurely and precariously employed. 

There are up to two awards available per year – each worth up to £2,000.00. Each award is tenable for a period of 12-24 months.

Applicants will be able to request financial support for a variety of development opportunities/activities including, but not limited to:

  • Training courses (e.g. in new research methodologies to support post-doctoral work)
  • Symposia and conferences (including the BERA Annual Conference)
  • Work placements
  • Library access
  • Resource development (i.e. short films/magazines to realise impact from existing research)
  • Writing retreats
  • It is also anticipated that mentorship will be provided to recipients on a quarterly basis


  • Applicants should be Early Career Researchers in the first three years following completion of their doctorate
  • Applicants must be BERA members
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need (i.e show they are insecurely or precariously employed.)


The applications will be judged by members of the ECR Network.

The judges will take into consideration:

  • The relevance of the proposed opportunities/activities to the applicant’s identified career route
  • The potential to impact on the applicant’s development
  • The value for money of the proposed opportunities/activities.