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BERA Masters Dissertation Award

Every year BERA recognises academic excellence and rigour in research by a Master of Education student. This underscores BERA’s commitment to championing educational research, and celebrating and recognise excellence in the education research community.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant should be a fully paid up members of BERA at the time of nominations.
  • The institution at which the student submitted their dissertation should have confirmed the degree awarded by 31st December 2024; i.e this award is awarded to education students who have completed their masters in the previous year (2024).


  • £250
  • Complimentary registration at BERA Conference 2025

Application Details

Application for the award should consist of a submitted nomination via the ‘apply now’ button (above left)

Supporting documents that must be uploaded are:

    1. A 1000 word extended abstract
    2. The dissertation
    3. A supporting statement from your supervisor, second supervisor, examiner or other expert in the field outlining why they believe this dissertation meets the judging criteria below (500 words)
    4. a link to your dissertation hosted on a website such as google drive, dropbox, apple documents etc.

Please note:

When submitting a document through the upload function on the application page, pleasure ensure the following:

  • The file name of the document is in this format: APPLICANT LAST NAME, APPLICANT FIRST NAME, DOCUMENT TYPE.
  • documents not received in this format will be ineligible for consideration.

If you require this application in a different format for accessibility reasons, please contact 


Nominations will be scored by a BERA selection panel. The panel’s judgement will be framed by the following criteria:

  • Research quality appropriate to the nature and context of the work undertaken
  • Methodological Rigour and robust research design
  • Critical engagement with, and application of, appropriate field related literature
  • Effective and critical analysis of data
  • Clarity of extended abstract
  • Recommendations associated with the findings

2024 Winner

For her dissertation, “Building bridges or barriers? A study of home, community, and school literacy practices in rural Tanzania” 

Profile picture of Kate Fox
Kate Fox, Ms

Research Assistant at Institute of Education

Kate completed her MA in Education and International Development at the Institute of Education at UCL. She has worked in education for almost 20 years as a teacher, headteacher and teacher trainer, most recently in Tanzania and the UK. Her...

2023 Winner

For her dissertation, “Indigenous Perspectives on Academic Integrity in Post-Secondary Institutions in British Columbia”

2022 Co-winners

Ellie Campbell for her dissertation “An investigation into Teacher Leadership: A case study of secondary school teachers’ professional experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in England”

Hanan Fadallah, for her dissertation “History Education and Language of Instruction in Divided Societies: The Case of Lebanon”

Profile picture of Ellie Campbell
Ellie Campbell, Ms

Head of Product Development at UK Coaching Solutions Ltd

Ellie Campbell is the co-winner of the 2022 BERA Master’s Dissertation Award for her dissertation “An investigation into Teacher Leadership: A case study of secondary school teachers’ professional experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in...

Profile picture of Hanan Fadlallah
Hanan Fadlallah

Secondary English Teacher at Al-Sadiq and Al-Zahra Schools

Hanan Fadlallah is a Secondary English Teacher in London and recipient of the 2022 BERA Masters Dissertation Award for her dissertation titled ‘History Education and Language of Instruction in Divided Societies: The Case of Lebanon’. She has...

2021 Winner

Dissertation: Reimagining the Post-Coronial University through Podcasting: Hopes and Fears for the Future of Higher Education after Covid-19

Profile picture of Simone Eringfeld
Simone Eringfeld, Ms

University of Cambridge

Simone Eringfeld is the winner of the 2021 BERA Master’s Dissertation Award for her dissertation “Reimagining the Post-Coronial University through Podcasting: Hopes and Fears for the Future of Higher Education after Covid-19” You can read...

2020 Winner

Dissertation: Exploring Governance and Governmentality in Myanmar’s Education Reforms 

Profile picture of Thu Thu
Thu Thu, Miss

Doctoral Student at University College London

Thu Thu was awarded the 2020 BERA Masters Dissertation Award for her dissertation Exploring Governance and Governmentality in Myanmar’s Education Reforms. The abstract for her dissertation is below: This thesis is a study of the work of...

2019 Winner

Profile picture of Joyce Kim
Joyce Kim, Ms

Postgraduate Student at University of Cambridge

Joyce Kim was awarded the 2019 BERA Masters Dissertation Award for her thesis Contested Cosmopolitanisms: A Comparative Case Study of Student Experiences and Identities Within Internationalizing South Korean Universities. The abstract for her...

2018 Winner

Profile picture of Helen Manley
Helen Manley, Miss

Teacher at Oxford Brookes University

Helen Manley won the the 2018 BERA Masters Dissertation Award for her dissertation: School-based counselling interventions for the reduction of anxiety in primary school children: a systematic review The abstract for her dissertation is...

2017 Winner

Profile picture of Jonathan S James
Jonathan S James, Mr

PhD Candidate at U C L Insitute of Education

Jonathan S James was awarded 2017 BERA Masters Dissertation Award for his dissertation: Civil disorder, domestic terrorism, and education policy The abstract for his dissertation is below: “This dissertation seeks to identify the ways in which...