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BERA Educational Research Book of the Year

This award celebrates the publication of educational research and is awarded to a scholarly book on education deemed to be high quality, engaging and innovative.

This award celebrates the publication of educational research and is awarded to a scholarly book on education deemed to be high quality, engaging and innovative.

Who can enter 

Scholarly books should be nominated for this award by their publisher. Each publisher can put forward a maximum of five titles for the award. If you are the author of a scholarly book and are interested in nominating your book for the award, please contact your publisher.

In this instance a scholarly book is defined as a volume that disseminates research findings, reflects significant research and scholarship, and contributes to education as an academic discipline. We welcome books written by anyone engaged in educational research, including academics and practitioners, as well as authors at any stage of their career – from senior researchers to early career researchers.

The book can have multiple authors and can be an edited collection. It must have been published in the United Kingdom, or distributed in the UK market, and must be English language. Both UK-based and international authors are eligible. Revised editions are accepted, as long as the nominated edition was published in the eligibility window. Books published in print and/or digital formats will be accepted.

Nominations will be reviewed by a judging panel who will agree a shortlist based on the criteria detailed below. We will require three print copies of each shortlisted title to be posted to BERA. For books published in digital format only, we will require a PDF file where possible. Publishers of shortlisted titles will be contacted to discuss these requirements once the shortlist is announced. 

Authors and publishers of shortlisted books will be invited to the awards dinner in November 2024 when the overall winner will be announced. The author(s) of the winning book will be invited to contribute to a feature in our magazine Research Intelligence.



  • Originality: The book makes a distinctive and/or innovative contribution to knowledge.
  • Quality: The book demonstrates rigorous, ethical and high-quality research including the soundness of concept and credibility of any proposed methodology.
  • Engaging: The book is accessible, and the research and arguments are communicated clearly. The book recognises a broad range of perspectives and experiences, and ideas presented are likely to resonate beyond the academic community. 
  • Impact and/or sustainability: The book will have had an effect on, change or benefit to academia, economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia, in any geographic location whether locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.