Leadership Committee
The role of the BERA Leadership Committee (formally General Purposes Committee (GPC)) is to:
- Ensure that in all of its activities BERA works towards its three strategic objectives: to advance research quality, build research capacity and foster research engagement in the education field
- Ensure that the organisation is characterised by good governance processes and procedures in line with its charitable status
- Ensure that decisions are taken openly and transparently in the interests of the organisation and its diverse membership
- Coordination and review of all committee, working-group and project business, ensuring that academic input is given where appropriate and progress towards strategic objectives is monitored
- Forward planning and operational decision-making, to inform Council’s strategic oversight and facilitate policy development
- Nominate BERA members to external bodies where appropriate
- Oversee external liaison and consultation responses in areas where research evidence can usefully be brought to bear, in line with BERA’s charitable objectives
- Consider what weight should be given to any new activities that Council might wish to consider and what weight they should be given in the light of the organisation’s current strategic priorities