About the blog
This blog was established in 2015 to provide research informed content on key educational issues in an accessible manner. The aim is to produce and promote articles that attract academics, policymakers, parents, teachers, educational leaders, members of school communities, politicians, and anyone who is interested in education today. The Blog is edited by a small team combining academic representatives chosen by BERA’s Publications Committee and the BERA office. All content is approved for publication by one or more of this team. However, the views of the authors are their own and the views expressed on this blog are not the official views of BERA.
Editorial team
- Jennifer Agbaire
- Gerry Czerniawski
- Naomi Flynn
- Alison Fox
- Elizabeth Rushton
- Barbara Skinner
- Kathryn Spicksley
- Nick Johnson
- David Chatterjee
- Hannah Marston
- Claire Castle
- Paru Rai
Blog Newsletter
The BERA Blog newsletter is a monthly round-up of blog posts, the latest special issues, series and BERA Bites, as well as featured blog posts selected by the lead editor.
Sign up to the newsletter here.
Blog Special Issues
A special issue of the BERA Blog is a collection of between six and eight articles (including an editorial) on a particular theme. With over 30 special issues published to date, you will find collections on a diverse range of topics related to educational research. Special issues are led by guest editors who are responsible for commissioning and collating the blog posts and writing the editorial. Click here to read more.
Blog Series
A BERA Blog series is an ongoing collection of blog posts related to a particular topic or theme in educational research. Each series is carefully curated by the blog’s editorial team and further posts are added to the series over time. Click here to read more.
BERA Bites
The BERA Bites series presents selected articles from the BERA Blog on key topics in education, presented in an easily printable and digestible format to serve as teaching and learning resources for students and professionals in education. Each collection features an introduction by editors with expertise in the field, and each article includes questions for discussion, composed by the authors, prompting readers to further explore the ideas and arguments put forward in the original articles. Click here to read more.
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Whether you have written for us previously or you are a regular reader, we would welcome your feedback on the BERA Blog. If you would like to share your thoughts on our existing content, topics that you would be interested in reading about, your experiences of writing for us, or any suggestions for improving the blog, please complete this form.