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Rachel Bowden

Research Associate at Dresden University of Technology

Dr Rachel Bowden is an educational researcher focused on multlingual education, educational transformation and teacher professional learning and qualitative and participatory research approaches. Rachel is currently a Research Associate, Centre for Teacher Education and Education Research, TU Dresden University of Technology where she coordinates TAP-TS and a state-level ESD in university teacher education initiative. She has worked as a freelance education consultant and researcher, including for the Enabling Education Network (EENET CIC), UNESCO, UNICEF and Translators without Borders in Rwanda and Bangladesh. Before that, she had a career with the British Council as an English language teacher, academic manager and project manager in Malaysia (East and West), Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and India. Rachel’s PhD explored the construction of English Medium Instruction in mathemtics lessons in Rwanda. She holds a Master’s in Education for Sustainability (with distinction).

Rachel Bowden's contributions