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Katy Bloom

Associate Professor at York St John University

Katy Bloom is Associate Professor of initial teacher education (ITE) at York St John University, a chartered science teacher, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is the Science Lead for Education, having gained teaching experience as a physics teacher, head of faculty, and advanced skills teacher, working primarily on researching and developing educational strategies that were utilised authority-wide. She was a senior professional development leader at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, where she also acted as the engineering lead for the Department for Education STEM team. Moving to the HE sector, she has led the science education programmes at two universities, held the role of school learning and teaching lead, and currently leads the ITE Curriculum Research Group. Her research interests include inclusive education, verbal feedback practices, fostering metacognitive awareness in pre-service teachers and using augmented reality (AR) to engage with science.

Katy Bloom's contributions