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Special Interest Group

Social Justice

The Social Justice SIG promotes dialogue on educational policies and practices at all levels in terms of supporting or inhibiting social justice.

We are committed to developing a range of theoretical understandings of the concept of social justice and the interaction of particular axes of discrimination in education. Particular attention is given to discourses and material effects of social class, gender, ethnicity, citizenship and human rights, and the ways in which these interrelate. In addition, we help to develop an understanding of the opportunities and spaces that social actors in education have to promote inclusion and social justice (as well as the limits and constraints they face), and the ways in which action can be taken.

We contribute to the evaluation of research methodologies for investigating social justice. We consider the processes by which academic critique can or should influence political agendas locally, nationally and globally. Fundamentally, we provide an arena for debate, discussion and dissemination for researchers whose work addresses a wide range of social justice issues. Thus, the SIG’s intention is to bring together research from a range of specialist yet related areas to a general forum to further social justice in education. 

The Social Justice organises a range of events and activities to foster research and networking in this important domain.

Research interests 

  • Particular attention is given to discourses and material effects of: social class,
  • gender,
  • ethnicity,
  • citizenship and human rights,
  • and the ways in which these interrelate.

SIG aims:

The SIG organises a number of events and activities which include research projects, publications, conferences and networking.

Twitter: @BERA_SocJustice


BERA Social Justice Forum

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of John Parkin
John Parkin, Mr

Academic Employability Consultant at Anglia Ruskin University

John Parkin is an Academic Employability Consultant at Anglia Ruskin University where he works with academics and external partners to embed employability into courses. John Parkin was also a Senior Lecturer Practitioner in Education and a Course...

Profile picture of Chiying (Gigi) Lam
Chiying (Gigi) Lam, Dr

Lecturer of Community Music and Social Justice at University of Southampton

Dr Chiying Lam is a lecturer in Community Music and Social Justice at the University of Southampton. She also serves as the deputy director of Southampton Centre for Music Education and Social Justice. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Dr Lam...

Profile picture of Liliana Belkin
Liliana Belkin, Dr

Senior Lecturer at University of Roehampton

Dr Liliana Belkin has a PhD in Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy from New York University and was awarded a US–UK Fulbright Core Scholar Fellowship in 2019–20. She was awarded an ESRC ADR UK Fellowship in 2024. She is a senior...

Content associated with this SIG

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16 Jun 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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