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Colin McCaig, Professor

Professor of Higher Education Policy at Sheffield Hallam University

Colin has around 20 years’ experience as a WP researcher and evaluator, with a particular interest in higher education policy that impacts inequalities of access. He has been involved in large scale programme evaluations of collaborative outreach including Aimhigher, NNCO and NCOP/UniConnect and has led or taken major roles in research into the effectiveness of institutional financial support bursaries (OFFA) and outreach with under-16 year olds (OfS). As well as having a prominent role in the Uni Connect Evaluation Capability team (ECAP) he sits on the TASO Effectiveness of Outreach working group. He has published widely on outreach and financial support priorities of HE institutions as derived from Access Agreements and Access and Publication Plans and the impact of marketisation on access to HE. Colin has been a Convenor for the BERA Higher Education SIG and joint-editor of the Higher Education Review.

Colin McCaig's contributions

Summer 2020

Research Intelligence Issue 143 is on the theme of 'Widening participation in practice'.

Research Intelligence9 Jun 2020