A message from BERA President, Dominic Wyse 03/04/2020
Dear colleagues,
We are all living through a life-changing situation, something that continues to raise many profound issues. Education is one of the many vital parts of society that has been affected, for example the closure of all formal education settings. This has resulted in the need for children’s and young people’s education to be supported in their homes. In addition to the impact on those BERA members who are teachers and parents our work as education researchers has of course also changed. Never-the-less we are continuing to do so many things. For example the authors, editors, reviewers and others working for our journals, and the BERA committees and groups attending meetings via the internet. BERA Council and the BERA Office team are continuing to find new ways that we can continue our work and also to mitigate some of the more serious potential effects on BERA. Thank you so much for being committed to BERA’s mission and addressing the challenges of the current situation.
Best wishes,