BERA Annual Conference 2019 – ECR Presentation Award
BERA aims to celebrate and promote the work of our Early Career Researcher Network. We presented a prize to the best Early Career researcher presentation at the conference. The top scoring ECR...
Suzanne MacQueen is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Originally trained as a Primary teacher, she now teaches courses in the areas of social studies curriculum, literacy, quality teaching and professional preparation including classroom management. Suzanne completed a Master of Education (Research) on the topic of between-class achievement grouping for literacy and numeracy classes in primary schools, and has a number of publications on that research. Her PhD examined the topic of non-traditional student experiences in higher education, using narrative inquiry and Bourdieu’s thinking tools of habitus, capital and field.
Suzanne is a member of the Global Education Research and Teaching (GERT) team which focuses on the promotion of and research into teaching for the development of global citizenship. She has also been the recipient, with various colleagues, of a number of grants to study issues around the equity implications of widening participation, focusing on students who are first-in-family to attend university.
Suzanne’s work has been presented at research conferences in Australia, the UK and the US. She has published numerous journal articles, book chapters, and has edited a book.
BERA aims to celebrate and promote the work of our Early Career Researcher Network. We presented a prize to the best Early Career researcher presentation at the conference. The top scoring ECR...